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Date Posted: 17:43:00 11/11/03 Tue
Author: Jha
Subject: A Mother's Thoughts

"There is rain tapping my window", she thinks
Without comprehension, she slowly blinks
She's not stupid, don't imagine her to be
She's just in a world no one else can see.

Her mind is someplace far away, detached
All her logic trying to make something match
Don't ask me what that means, for I don't know
I'm simply saying all this, she told me so.

"There's a caterpillar, she'll make a cocoon
She'll become a butterfly," it'll be too soon
Her thoughts are now dozing, soon they'll ripen
Corruption and cynicism will find a door wide open

Her eyes, young eyes, with such innocence they flash
Full of hopes and dreams, that reality will dash
For now, she turns to me, her arms thrown wide
I hold her close and tight, push dark thoughts aside

But inwardly I think, "She is all that I hold dear.
How can I protect her from a broken heart and fear?
Is there such barrier, preventing her from harm
Is there such a talisman, amulet, or charm?"

Her eyes are quiet, contemplating the sky
"The rain is beautiful," and she sleeps with a sigh.
I turn my face skywards, searching for the North Star
I whisper a prayer on my lips, sending it afar.

"Watch over my baby, my dearest, my girl
As she trods through this treacherous world
Guide her footsteps, across this globe so wild
As I leave in your care my precious child."

And though distressed, and full of fret
Still quietly on, my little child slept
So reassured, I left her to the night
Knowing in my heart, she will be all right.

(C) Jha'Meia April 17 2003

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