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Subject: ::Finish :: :~: Dark :~: - Arrival - [:].:.[:]

F&B/Lost Darkness/Forbidden Depths/Celebrate the First(lol)
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Date Posted: 18:26:27 09/04/02 Wed
In reply to: Eggie 3 's message, "|New Life|" on 20:15:48 09/03/02 Tue

:: Finish ::

:: Enchanting black smiles and dark claws curl around the small yellow, lifting her softly off the ground. A short chuckle arises from the fatigued she-beast and she place sthe last on the rock floor once more. Talk about entering with style... Black optics scan her small creations with wonder and pride. Remembering the unstopable feeling of starvation the young'ns must be feeling, she slides a piece of red meat in front of them. Now, what to name them... Looks up to Fathom and those about her, searching for suggestions amongst them. ::

:: Finish ::

:~: She deveil smirks softly at her little sisters entrance and reaches out to her mentally, almost waiting for the first touch, one she had made with each of her old siblings. She would be the first new. Senses her mothers need for names and she speaks softly, vocals begging her to remain quiet as she offers some suggestion of name. :~:

:~: Most of my names are spent, along with my creativity among my siblings and myself. But there are a couple I can still wean out. Eternal Darkness, for one and another be Serenity, Lost Flame, Passion of Love, Vexed Love, Faded Revenge, Hell Vixen, Hell Spawn, and I'm sure a few more will pop up. :~:

:~: Snickers softly and tosses a mental blow at the oldest, wondering how the small one would react. :~:

:~: Lost Darkness :~:
- Dark -

- Angry presence arrives, then fades quickly to surprise as the everchanging orbs of Forbidden Depths land upon the newborn. Sharp glance flows like quicksilver to the black male, Fathom, and a steely gaze is held. They were his... Danm dragon, always seemed to be stirring up crap. Optics fade to black and he turns, wandering into the cavees, leaving the gathering to stare at his reteating back. Yeah, all he wanted was more siblings.... -

- Forbidden Depths -
- The Warrior -

Blue snorts at whining sister and turns attention to the silverish sun hued one.
How strange, such a small creatur from such a big thing.
Prods her softly with a dark claw, nearly knocking her over.
Crown sudden flips around, facing the red meat that was placed before him.
Small creatures leg muscles send him rocketing forward, dagger sinking into the smell.
Draws back and chews slowly, something he new he instinctively must do.
Starts as th mental blow is received and he looks about wildly, wondering where the sensation flew from.
Gold orbs spot bronze sister and he growls.
Lunges forward once more, tackling her squarely in the side.
Maw sparkles with blood from the meat and he appears most visous for a certian time, befor ehe once more is sent tumbling over her with the continuous motion he created.
Growls sharply at her, but concludes in to wise to attempt to slam into her small form once more.
Attention turn to each of the dragons in turn,resting the longest on the young femme black and the large red.
Each was important, but how he did not know.
Small mind decides to ignore the surrounding momentarily as his stomach draws him back to the meat nce more.
Teeth drag across the meat, lapping up the dark blood with small catlike tounge.
This would make him strong.

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Subject Author Date
:+:Arrivel:+: :::Nod:: *Smirk* |Snort|Star Shadows, Sea of Fury, Blackest Soul, Eggie 316:17:24 09/05/02 Thu

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