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Date Posted: 07:21:37 11/04/03 Tue
Author: Reuters
Subject: Selamat Berpuasa from The King

Kuala Lumpur - His Royal Highness, Raja Komenggos the Great wishes everyone a very happy fasting month. In a press conference held at Istana 96, his highness told all Malaysians to control their spending and make sure jangan hutang banyak2 untuk raya. His highness also mentioned that he is pleased with the appointment of the new Malaysian PM and hopes that Ex-PM Tun Dr. Mahathir will have a nice Raya without having to salam thousands of smelly hands. Pak Lah will have to go through that this year hehe.. His highness also expressed his eagerness in waiting for Tun Munchkin's turn to be PM as he is already excited at the prospect of becoming a crony. The king summons his subjects to go out and have drinks at the Royal Mahbub Tea House after Terawikh to foster greater understanding among cultures and races. In other words, lepak 6. With this he declares the Royal Mahbub Act, which states that lepaking while sipping teh tarik while speaking rubbish is mandatory for all Malaysians that are 18 years and above.

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