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Date Posted: 10:44:35 02/18/03 Tue
Author: Tun Z
Subject: VIOBA

Greetings members of 6 Jahanam. Since Tun Munchkin has left for his beloved hometown, Beijing, China, Planet Malaysia has been somewhat lonely. Tun Z misses the prsence of Tun Munchkin especially in the land of Eskimos.
How is Raja Harris doing in snowy Glasgow? Hopefully he is getting enough sleep and rest. ' Jgn makan byk2, nanti jadi macam aku dulu '.
Anyways, with progress to the VI. VIOBA clubhouse has been successfully refurbished. Looking for a second hand fussball table to be put in. Might be a suitable hangout for us 6 Jahanam members. After all, a good meeting spot would be ideal, why not the VI? We spent most of our teenage lives there!
Also revamping the VIOBA website, old address used to be http:// www.vioba.com.my
temporary one till we get a private server is http:// www.aizuddindanian.com/voi/vioba
Please feel free to comment on the site. All constructive and positive comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Tun Z.

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