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Date Posted: 16:37:53 10/07/02 Mon
Author: No name
Subject: Some posts that offer good food for thought.

Subject: I think these posts help explain the reason so many people despise some of these high priced vendors. They pump you up, get your money, then let you down. When you DARE to ask them why they did such and such, they try to put your child out of pageants to get even with you. NONE of them can be trusted.


Date Posted: 16:26:51 10/07/02 Mon

I just need to vent.... -- Anonymous, 21:34:21 10/06/02 Sun

You know, all of us that are not able to do for ourselves and are forced to use vendors to compete, are at their mercy. If your clothes are not made to fit correctly, or are not finished on time, then you are sunk. If your hair or makeup isn't good, then you are sunk. It sucks that all your hard earned money spent on these goods and services, and on the entry fees and all the other things required to compete, can be flushed down the toilet in an instant if someone else screws up. It is not fair that your child will be punished by the judges if something someone else does is not perfect. I guess you either have to learn to do it yourself, or make sure you have dependable, honest, trustworthy vendors. Anyone know where I might find some??? Are there any?

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[> Re: I just need to vent.... -- Anonymous, 22:14:41 10/06/02 Sun

You also are totally dependent on your photographer, your coach, the judges, the directors, and anyone else you may use for anything. And the answer is NO, there are no honest, trustworthy and dependable vendors. If you are lucky enough to find one who is, you are very lucky. But good luck finding vendors for all your needs that won't let you down. I suggest doing it all yourself, and having your own pageant and judging it yourself too.lol

An added note:
(I think the last 2 sentences describe the most hated of all vendors. Also, they have connections to get their child those unearned wins she gets and everyone knows it.)

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