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Date Posted: 22:26:02 10/15/02 Tue
Author: No name

Please forward this on every board!!! This man poses as a woman looking for models for hire. He has contacted many parents of potential models and pageant girls on these boards and others about having your child to model for pictures so she can get exposure! The catch is--this is a child porn photographer.
Here is the email he/she sends to parents........
From: rachelleerickson@hotmail.com (Rachelle Erickson)
Here are the following categories we are shooting. We’ll shoot both indoors
and outdoors. With most of the types, we’ll do headshots, ¾ length, and full

Action – We’ll take some pictures of each girl doing an activity like
dancing, gymnastics, cheerleading, baton twirling, horseback riding, etc.

Formal – These pictures should be in a formal portrait style. The model
should wear a formal full-length dress. If you like, she could wear make-up,
and have her hair done in a formal style, although it’s not necessary.

Casual – We want pictures of happy kids in a catalog style. The model could
wear shirt, pants, shorts, overalls, shortalls, skirtalls, etc. She should
not wear make-up, and her hair should be in a casual style.

Swimwear – The model should wear a cute bikini. We’ll do some pictures both
with and without the top, so we’ll have some bottoms only shots.

Underwear – The model should panties and a crop top. We’ll do pictures both
with and without the crop top, so there’ll be some pictures with just
panties only.

Nudes – We’ll shoot the nudes last. Within the worlds of art, photography,
modeling, and fashion, nudity is extremely common and entirely acceptable.
There is no reason why your child posing nude for a photographer should be
any less acceptable than your child being examined nude by your
pediatrician. Artists have portrayed nude children for thousands of years.
Nude child photography has been a serious genre of art since the invention
of photography. It was especially common in the 19th Century. Lewis Carroll,
who wrote "Alice in Wonderland" did nude child photography. Brooke Shields
modeled nude when she was 10 years old. She never would have become famous
otherwise. Anne Geddes does nudes of babies. Many photographers specialize
in nude child photography. Many famous photographers do nude child
photography including Sally Mann, Jock Sturges, David Hamilton, Edward
Weston, Richard West, Ron Oliver, etc. These are adorable beautiful images
capturing fleeting childhood innocence. With kids, you’re supposed to do
what’s called “cutsey nudes” which are all smiles and dimples. It’s supposed
to elicit “awww!”. If the model has long hair, then the pigtails are the
traditional hairstyle. Remember, we’re trying to capture cuteness.


For more info on this child porn photographer Go to--<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.onlineranks.com/rachelle.html">http://www.onlineranks.com/rachelle.html</a>
Contact the FBI if he contacts you !!!!

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