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Subject: Ways women start smoking

Past Tempted
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Date Posted: 07:48:41 06/28/02 Fri

Since I'm one of them, let me list some ways adult women became smokers or might become a smoker. Most of this is contained in stories and posts starting with mine. I will assign each a letter for identity WHEN you COMMENT.
A -- My story. Finds pack in daughter's jeans, decides to try at age 40 and likes.
B -- New food server in mid-20s takes breaks with gang and starts smoking.
C -- Working at big company where breaks are set for each employee. Break for this mid 30s woman comes with a bunch of smokers and she joins them.
D -- Working for this company with no break rules, 50ish woman tires of smokers getting more breaks than others and joins them.
E -- College athlete hoping to make it as woman's pro basketball player instead takes a job but plans to try next year. She is struck by a car and leg injury will prevent her from returning to old level. While recovering she takes up smoking and when she returns to her job, she seeks a transfer to the location with the most favorable
smoking rules.
F -- 40ish Mother lets daughter smoke in car. Police stop them and non-smoking mother says she is the smoker and daughter was just holding it. She continues to smoke with daughter.
H -- Gf in 30s gets on bf about smoking. She talks him into quitting but only if she will try it for a month and then quit with him. You know the rest.
I -- Second marriage for woman about 35 who met this guy at church and falls in love. At the start of the honeymoon her produces a carton of cigarettes and says they are for her. Non=smoker returns after honeymoon hooked and happy.
J -- Non-smoking Oriental woman marries American and comes here only to get Americanized by the time she turns 30.
K -- Daughter, 16, with non-smoking mother of 38 admits to being a smoker. Mother bad-mouths her decision. Girl says don't knock it if you haven't tried it. Insulted mother looks to dad who says she has a point. Mother has a cigarette and then another.
L -- Non-smoker about 30 goes to cigar bar with gang from work. A cigar later leads to a cigarette and then to the habit.
M -- Marcel, an executive who travels from one company location to another, feels challenged by this anti, 32, at a location. He dates her and slips in a few cigarettes among other things. The romance blooms. he visits her location often. She comes to visit him. Within a year, she leaves company because she cannot be married to an
executive with the outfit. They give a party for going away and she gets several cartons of Newports to feed her two-pack-a-day and still growing habit.
It has happened a lot of ways. What are your favorites, similar events you've actually seen or ones you would like to see happen?

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Subject Author Date
Re: Ways women start smokingAdam James09:50:22 04/29/03 Tue

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