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Date Posted: 14:19:07 04/09/02 Tue
Author: c'ris
Author Host/IP:
Subject: .petition.

.the sinuous bulk of dragon-kind, coupled with the nearly insignificance of humanity makes for a lovely pair. Glistening metallicly, pinned on the vista, youthful beast makes daring leap groundward, silhouette cut starkly against the brightness of an early spring sky. The crouching figure of a confident rider is against the nape of the massive beast, hidden by the duel arches of braking wings. Landing is languid and soft, showing the prideful, playful nature of the beast. The rider's laugh echoes mentally, reverberating, setting eyes to whirling rainbows in pride. Dismount is cautious, the gaze of rider and beast matched.
The rider, when dismounted, cuts a lithe figure; supple muscle and feline grace. Shoulders have broadened, and the once scrawny frame has filled out nicely, still showing some coltishness that has yet to fill in with age. It is a pained point with him,. For people tend to underestimate the intelligence that resides under a lightly creased brow. A bronze dragon would not choose a fool or someone incompetent.
Draconic chuckles resound. Arrogant today, Chosen…not the best mood for making friends. The youth's thoughtful visage cracks, reveling a beaming smile. Gray eyes and hair the color of his dragon's hide present a comely façade. Hands callused from work, skin tanned by days in the sun and a mentality hardened between. He is C'ris, rider of bronze Noruth.
and proud of it.

((i hope this is how you go about adopting a char..-wince- ~yuni))

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