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Date Posted: 19:13:13 04/10/02 Wed
Author: .magdelene.
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Subject: [.golden dreams.]

The youth is cautious in her approach of the beginning lands. The ballet flights of dragon-kind are nothing new to her; in fact, the graceful dance of dragons never fails to bring a smile to her full lips. Of fair skin and ebony hair, her face speaks of linages mixed in one harmonious blend. Hair is slightly curled, oft an uncontrollable mess, reflecting the owner's personality. Headstrong and determined. She is aware of the blood of ancients, both Hold and Weyr, coursing in her veins. But that is long forgotten; only the imprint of personality remains. She is shorter of stature, like the long lost Lessa, her jaw almost always clenched in determined stance. Her physique is still young, fresh as spring and just as pure, containing within a spirit like firestone, needing only a dragon as the catalyst. Never will she forget the sweet nothing of between, the scent of dragon-flesh, and the power of a dragon beneath her. Its something she wants to feel again. Oh to ride a golden queen, to support a Weyr and have the devotion of others; that is something to achieve. Fist clenched, hidden in the folds of her skirts, she starts forward. Striving onward to a new life; new dreams and new beginnings.
She wishes for candidacy in a Weyr. Dreams of golden flesh and unspeakable bonds fill imagination, glistening in glacier-blue eyes. Someday....

((-confuzaled- okay..did i do any of this right? I would like her to be a candidate...so do i just post for her at my chosen Weyr? If so, what mb do i post at there? -blink..blush-))

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