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Date Posted: 22:08:02 04/13/02 Sat
Author: Aralirien (Ari)
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Subject: Yet another newcomer...(candidate)

Hold: Celestia Hold
Appearence, personality and history: Ari is a very pretty young women, though she won't admit it. Her long red-brown hair and is usually held back. She is a tomboy to the core, and only dresses up when it is needed. Her mother died at the birth of her youngest sister, of hemmoraging, when she was only six, leaving her father to run the farm, and raise the 3 children, including her older brother and herself, by himself. She does have a tendancy to be a bit on the sarcastic side, however, and if by chance you see her green eyes sparkling, that means your about to witness some of her mischeif. (just hope it's not on you) Though her ettiquite may not be that of the perfect "lady" she is friendly, and gets along quite well with others. Ari is also quite skilled with a staff, so err...don't get in her way..:-) To her surprise she was searched one day on her way back from the market place, where she was selling eggs abd various products from their small farm. She had never really thought of becoming a dragonrider before, although, like many other young people, she has admired them from afar, wishing for the freedom that rides upon the wings of a dragon. And so she headed of, in search of a better life for her and her family.

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