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Date Posted: 18:22:30 04/13/02 Sat
Author: Tyrus
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Subject: Candidate

Name: Tyrus
Age: 20 Turns
Gender: Male
Current place of residence: Xanta Weyr
Features: Dark brown hair cut very short, piercing blue eyes, clean-hewn face and muscled body of about 6 feet in height. Scars (from an accident in the mines) near the hairline on left side of his face extending almost to the corner of the left eye.

Tyrus is one young man who has never known ease in his life. From a very early age he was working in the Mines digging alongside his father, then he went to work as a drudge in a minor Hold on a far-southeast coast of the Northern Continent when he was discovered by a Searchrider who had never seen the young lad before now.
Wholly unaccustomed to dragons, Tyrus is not sure what to make of the creatures that sometimes speak to him as the Searchrider's bronze did to him. He had been slated for Minerva's Clutch but was too late. Now, he has come to Xanta hoping to have better luck since anything is better than being a miner or a drudge.
Tyrus is a quiet, withdrawn young man. He has a pronounced shyness towards females and does not allow them very close to him. He is inclined to keep his own counsel. He is not afraid to stand up to any of his peers but respects authority. He has no friends and if he were they would have to be truthful and loyal beyond any shadow of a doubt.
Flit companions: none
runnerbeasts: none

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