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Date Posted: 05:22:59 04/20/02 Sat
Author: Xanta
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Subject: *picks up rider and marches in direction of Kinian W.lings* TRAINING TIME

Lanna - Green - Tammarth

-lol- blah blah blah, regardless of the fact that the Weyrlings are LONG past being Weyrlings it's about time they had thier lessons, hense my picking up of a character.

Name: Lanna
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Appearance/Personality: Short with blonde hair Lionna appears like someone who would generally be walked all over by the other riders. However Lanna doesn't stand for anything, a despite being 'just a green rider' she was deemedsuitable for the position of WeyrlingMaster since she has enough patience to teach even the most absent minded or irritating of pupils without loosing her temper, unless of course they are deliberatly 'trying it on' and then she deals swiftly and strictly before continuing her teaching.
Current place of residence: Kinia
Job: Weyrling Master

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