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Date Posted: 14:47:17 04/23/02 Tue
Author: Acidell
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Subject: -Joining-

Name: Acidell Smitherson
Family: Master Smith Abirat (Father), Rhiviel (Mother), Miruvia (15-Turn-old Sister)
Gender and Age: 19-Turn-old Male
Appearance: A stocky health, Acidell is rarely sick, if ever. He's about 6'4", an average height in his extremely tall family. He's rather slender, barely gaining weight even from all the food he consumes. His skin is a light tan from his work in the fields with his canines. Acidell's hair is a dishwasher blonde, to his annoyance. Acidell's hair lightens in long hours of sunlight. His hair is slightly frizzy, reaching to the nape of his neck. His eyes are a serious, grass green.
History: The male side of Acidell's family are Smiths, except Acidell. He was interested more in canines as a lad, and his interest grew as he did. The pups listened to him as he trained them to answer to whistles. His parents were rather lenient with him, allowing him to wander over the acres they held as a boy. Acidell's favorite canine was a deep bronze and brown one, causing those to become his favorite colors. As he grew older, he even went as far to repaint his room with those colors. Acidell always went the extra dragonlength with an idea.
Personality: Self-assured, independent, and confident are three words that describe Acidell. He has the ability to concentrate and to follow a line of thought to a logical conclusion. His idea of fun is challenging the ideas of others and making them work in a more efficiant or different way. He has to do things his way and hates interference. Even though Acidell hates being interfered with, his is fine with 'helping' others. He's usually either telling or showing someone how to do something properly. Although he's usually good-natured and never intend offence,his blunt manner of expression sometimes puts rifts in friendships. On the other hand, his honesty and sincerity earned respect from others in his cothold.
Rank: A Candidate at Xanta Weyr

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