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Date Posted: 14:29:34 05/14/02 Tue
Author: Hopeful Player of T'mele
Author Host/IP:
Subject: 'Dopting
In reply to: -X- 's message, "NOTICE! N'etelan - Brown - Morranth are up for adoption as the Weyrling master pair for Xanta!" on 12:42:00 05/14/02 Tue

(It's ok that I use T'mele instead of N'etelan for the Weyrlingmaster, right?)

Name: T'mele
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Blonde with brown roots
Eye Color: Green
Rank and Residence: Weyrlingmaster @ Xanta Weyr
Personality: Gentle and easy to please. He doesn't mind mistakes and is fine with going over things again and again and helping his students out. Before he Impressed he was a helper in his home Hold with teaching the younger members. When he wasn't doing that, he was helping with the maintenence of the Hall, since he was taller than most. T'mele reached about 6'5" at his twentieth birthday.

Dragon Name: Wirrinth
Color: Blue
Size: Larger than a normal blue to compensate for his rider's height. He is still smaller then a brown, but not by very much.
Personality: A tad sarcastic to balance out his rider's giving personality. He says that his place in life is to make sure that the promises people make to T'mele are carried out. He doesn't like seeing his rider's giving nature abused either.

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