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Date Posted: 07:53:58 06/21/02 Fri
Author: Jenna - (ooc name)
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Sample RP for K'gan..(please read 'Hopefully K'gan's' first --first come first serve :) )

-=-the warm air rushed over him as they came from the ultimate cold of Between. they were over Fort Weyr now, coming from an errand to Fort Ista. the wind made his ear-length blonde hair blow begind him. he crouched low to bronze Porenth's harness, who was showing off by vering into a dive. a laugh escaped K'gan's lips as the Dragon's words entered his mind.-=-
Thought that'd wake you up.~the bronze's eyes swirled with enjoyment. the warm sun was giving him more energy than usual.~

-=-he chuckled and answered-=-If I had been asleep it would have worked!-=-he saw they were nearing the Bowl and a dust from Porneth's wings was stirring.-=-Slow down now, Porenth. We don't want to cause too much of a disturbance now do we?-=-his voice was light and cheery with a hint of sarcasm.-=-

No, we couldn't have that could we!~Porneth answered in a voice dripping with sarcasm. he flared his wings and abruptly slowed, just above the Bowl. dust rose in a huge cloud around them as they landed. he put out his foreleg for K'gan to climb down.~How was that?

-=-K'gan coughed and climbed down to stand in the Bowl, where the dust was just beginning to settle. he attempted to brush some off but failed and gave off. he answered sarcastically-=-Great, just great.-=-he coughed again and walked to Porenth's head to scratch his eye ridges.-=-Go ahead and sun yourslef, just try not to wreak to much havoc.-=-he turned and walked to the edge of the Bowl to watch his magnificent bronze take off.-=-

~he raised his head and looked to the ledge where other dragons were sunning. he pumed his wings and lifted off. he hovered for a moment, bronze eyes swirling, to talk to K'gan before flying off to sun.~I won't...~his voice was teasing as he tflew off.~

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