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Date Posted: 19:32:50 08/05/02 Mon
Author: Minerva
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Subject: Evaluation
In reply to: Kya 's message, "Forgot.... Their Bio! Please read and evaluate" on 09:00:54 08/05/02 Mon

Good prelude.
Few questions:

1. Where were they exiled to?
2. What did they do during their exile?
3. Were there no relatives to take them or were they taken in?
4. How did they come to hear of Minerva's Clutch and were they Searched beforehand?
5. Do they have any skills that would make them useful in a Weyr? Not being snide but I do like my Candidates to be able to show their worth by working a little before the Hatching. Helps me decide who is appropriate for which dragons I have in my mind. I also like Candidates to take some initiative in doing things in the Weyr without me having to s p e l l out every last detail.

I'm open to having a blind Candidate [Kiana] but I need to think how having a dragonmate would be best served by her disability. Riders need to be able to see when fighting Thread and be able to picture destinations so that their dragon will know where to go before attempting 'Between'.
I'm NOT disqualifying Kiana, I just need time to figure out how she can operate best with a dragon companion.
I think you've offered up some very interesting companions but Mikhail will need to learn some anger-management if he expects to make it. Actions and deeds speak louder than words or fighting. Just a little hint for him.

Good Start!


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