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Date Posted: 08:02:20 08/17/02 Sat
Author: Hyacinth
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Subject: Tall young woman enters with a brisk stride.

She enters briskly, head held high, but manner not discouraging. She nods to the others and sighns in.

Hair color:brown
Eye color:brown
Height:about 5'9" if it were measured on Earth(hehe, don't know how Pernese measures height!)
Skin tone:light but with a slight tan from wandering the roads.
Past:she does not tell many of her haunted past, but if you gain her trust, you just may be able to pry it out of her.
Place of Residence:She is a wanderer, rinding her way to the Weyr, hoping to Impress.
Job:none, but is deft in many tasks.

She looks around after signing in, seeing no familiar faces. She frown and stalks out looking for someone incharge, to see if there was a possibility she could stand on the Sands.

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