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Date Posted: 10:35:26 08/17/02 Sat
Author: Kyari
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Subject: Ingression


Ky | Ari

Eighteen summers


Shimmering raven hair framed her bold face of smooth lines, feminine angles, crimson lips, shocking green eyes and a fair complexion. Advocating a good five foot and seven inch stature, at eight and ten Turns, she was not one to be intimidated or to intimidate. Her obsidian hair falls neatly round her slender shoulders and draped over her back. A silver moon pendant hung upon a sterling silver thread dangles above her collarbone. Dark whisps of her hair caught behind dainty ears which extended slightly at the tip, giving her an elfin-like look. There was something magical about her carriage - haughty upon appearance and yet she commanded such a down to earth personality it was ethereal. Amongst her hidden emotions she exuded a sense of tranquility which could be felt while in her presence. A captivating innocence - either by nature or by disguise - was held within the radiant depths of her dark eyes disrupted only by the glimpse of something hidden, secrets perhaps, flickering from the darkness of her constructed ‘walls'.

She may appear petite and slightly frail but she has been educated well and knows how to get herself out of a bad situation. She is elegent and extremely well educated as how she's the daughter of a Lord Holder. She's more of a leader, really, than of a follower. Though she may be head-strong when she thinks she's right and hates being told what to do, if she sees wisdom in the words, she will listen to them; maybe not follow them, but listen. One of intrigue for certain among all things, Kyari will never disappoint when it comes to surprising you with something out of the blue. She is exclusively loyal to her family and friends but will love even an enemy. She knows what she's made of and will use every ounce to reach a goal. Though feminine to the extreme her passion is for the wilds, feeling a deep and burning connection with the feral lands. She is one of the few who frequents journeys of the lands; small whispers follow her wherever she goes because of that, but they are ignored, like a whisp of a faint breeze in her hair, nothing worth her thought. Dispite her young age, Kyari is wise beyond anyone's knowledge. Though she can speak in riddles and play mind games, she usually states things plain, as bold as you please; no one dares retaliate, of which she is disappointed, for she would like a challenge here and there. Usually being the one to lead her friends around, she has gain experience for getting anyone out of trouble when they actually do get into it. Kyari absolutely loves animals, especially Dragons, and will hold a grudge for a long time if she ever finds you abusing them. She will hate you for doing anything bad to a Dragon, though they can take care of themselves, and will only forgive you if the Dragon does. She is calm and sweet at the best of times, yet dueling and pestering outsiders may admit her to be mildly violent.

Minerva Weyr


Oh, YES!! More than ANYTHING!!! PLEASE!!!!

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