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Date Posted: 13:42:20 08/30/02 Fri
Author: Hollis
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Subject: -Resident at Kinia-

Name: Hollis

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Hollis would be best described as a stick on legs... or just a stick. She stands at 5'11" tall and is very slimly built, partly due to her small appetite and partly due to that being part of her genes. She is not scrawny by any acounts, however as she prefers to live an active life and as such is fairly muscular, mind you with her high it's not always that obvious.
Another aspect of Hollis' appearance that does nothing to remove the illusion of her being anything but tall and stick-like is her hair, perfectly straight, deep ebony and trailing beyond her waist when worn loose.
Hollis has dark Hazel eyes, and wears an expression of solumness almost constantly, occasionally a smile will flicker across her face, yet always the solumn look in her eyes remains.

History: Not an especially pleasant past Hollis rarely talks of it, infact as you'll learn she rarely talks. Yet, in brief. Hollis was the first born (although followed minutes later by a second) daughter of a Major Holder from the region of Telgar, she grew up in quiet stability until the age of 11 turns old when for some reason that Hollis has never been clear on her father relinquished his Hold and the family left the Telgar region to travel to Crom, with the intentions of taking over Crom Hold. The journey was an exciting experiance for the young girl and her twin Camigwen, yet it wasn't so for the rest of her family. Hollis' younger brother, 8 turn old, Marki fell dangerously ill with fever on the jouirney and her mother was heavily pregnant with a fourth child, after years of being believed barren.
Yet, despite all this Hollis and family made it to Crom safely, Marki made his recovery and Hollis' mother seemed to grow stronger again. Soon however Hollis' mother went into Labour and died that night in child-birth, the child also dying, obviously she hadn't recovered from the strain of the journey enough. At the lose of his wife Hollis' father started to fade, slowly giving up on life until death clamed him too.

After the lose of her mother, father, and newborn brother Hollis became quiet. She would rarely speak to her adoptive parents, in fact the only person she talked to on a regular basis was Camigwen, her twin, who although she didn't become silent or withdrawn like Hollis understood her sisters feelings. Sunitie, Hollis' gold firelizard, her sole companion when Camigwen was doing other things, came to mean more to Hollis then anything else, except maybe her sister. But the dragons... Hollis would speak with the dragons when they came to visit her hold, and visit they did, Catryn and Green Beth often visited the Hold along with Cleora and Blue Lith and Heltia & Green Hushath before she fell pregnant. Lith would remain for days on end, quite content for the break from Weyr life and it was only then that Hollis really seemed alive. The rest of the time she was basicly dead, she would eat and follow instructions yet other then that one would have believed her dead for the lack of emotion she showed.

Over the following 4 turns Hollis' withdrawn nature slowly started to get better untill she would talk freely with most people in her new Hold once more, along with the Dragons [minus Hushath who went between after Heltia's death in childbirth] and their riders. Yet, just as life was returning to normal for her once again the hand of death struck, killing Camigwen while she was out riding on day. Again Hollis sunk into the silence that she had fallen into after her parent's death, this time sinking further into it and refusing even to talk to the dragons. In fact, she sunk so far into this abyse that the only one she would even acknowledge mostly would be Sunitie, and Hollis soon fell to exploring the land around the Hold, travelling further and further afield each day, just to escape the pitying (and sometimes unpitying) gazes of those around her.

So it was that Hollis stumbled one day upon Kinia Weyr, and there she settled, as if she had never had a home before. Still silent and speaking only rarely Hollis remained within the lower Caverns, venturing out amidst people only when she needed too, and when she did never speaking.

Current place of residence: Kinia Weyr

Job/Rank: For lack o' anything else to call her she is a member of the Weyr non-rider Staff.

Other: Hollis is a HAD. (Isn't to be common knowledge, since who's she actually going to tell? [It is something I have permission for.]

Sunitie: Gold Firelizard, approximately 12 turns old. [again, something I have permission for.]

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