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Date Posted: 17:53:18 08/31/02 Sat
Author: lensar
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Subject: something more

Name: Lensar
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthdate: M10 D15
Rank/Craft: Holdbrat/Candidate
Location: Minerva Weyr

Emotional: Lensar is very routine-orientated. He likes to have some things in the right time all the time. He would live in a figurative box, except for the fact that with the ripple of changes within his life, he has learned to deal with them. When Lensar was younger, he would throw tantrums or have a rather large fit of panic. But as he grew older he matured and became rather serious and responsible. Lensar keeps a promise to the last word, and had quite a reputation about that back home. He was counted on as a peacemaker, for Lensar always strived for peace. He was often kidded about this, but Lensar tried not to take it personally. It is very hard for Lensar to accept other's help, though, and sometimes he became entangled in large fights with friends, while he had only tried to protect his friends.
Physical: Lensar is rather stocky, built upon a short frame. His face has been compared to a closed book. He does not show emotions, except seriousness. His skin is a klah brown, for Lensar was often called upon to do outdoor work. His hair is a pale, tousled, tawny-gold, bleached slightly paler by the sun. Lensar's eyes are his most expressionate, and some say his best, feature. They are an odd mix of gold and green, but they become his face. They are rather large though, giving him a look of perpetual innocence and fear until he grew into them.

History: Although Lensar has barely any knowledge about it, he is Weyrbred. He was the result of a rather junior Weyrlingmaster and student. His father was actually more like a Weyrlingmaster's assistent. His father was turned out from the Weyr, even though Lensar's mother had only a month till she graduated. His father was given a post at another Weyr as Weyrlingmaster's Seond and is still kept under close scrutinty. His mother is still at her home Weyr.

After being taken from the Weyr, Lensar was accidentally lost in a crowd at a Gather. He was around two and liked to toddle about. A kindly, middle-aged couple found him. Lensar was unable to provide the names of his parents, and since no one came to fetch him, the couple took him in. His father went nearly insane with worry, even though Lensar was to be fostered away, with caused the Weyr to almost double its watch on him. Lensar was treated well by the Holder couple, and enjoyed his life. He did not remember the Gather, or his father. The couple deigned not to tell him until his first sighting of dragons. Searchers came to his Hold, Twin Rivers, during his 19th Turn. The Searchriders Searched Lensar for Minerva Weyr. Right as he was leaving, the couple decided it was time to 'fess up. Lensar took the news rather well, not showing how shocked he was at it. His mother, for even though she wasn't his birth-mother Lensar would always think of her as his mother, patted his arm and asked him if he would come and visit after Impressing? Lensar truly could not blame his adoptive parents for not telling him, for that was part of his nature, and left for Minerva having forgiven them but with a troubled heart. He did not know who he was, really. But maybe... maybe... maybe dragonriding was in his blood. Perhaps Impression was what he was bred for?

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