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Date Posted: 18:43:32 08/31/02 Sat
Author: Kieran
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Subject: Live while you can...

Name: Kieran
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Male
Appearence: Kieran is your average travelling boy, tanned brown as a nut from nearly an entire life spent on runner-back or sitting in a wagon. His hair is an interesting mix of brown and blonde, getting lighter towards the top where the sun has semi-bleached it. It has a tendancy to fall acrossed his eyes in uneven strips, however in the back it just brushes the collar of his vest. His eyes are a clear and smiling blue to match his near-constant dimpled grin, and he's got a few freckles dusting acrossed his nose and cheeks. He's often been described as a fine-looking lad, with a pleasent enough face and a strong, hardy body. He stands at about average height; not too tall but by no means small either. He dresses comfortably enough, wearing a pair of loose brown leggings over boots that are a bit on the small side for him. His upper half is covered commonly by a tunic that's belted at the waist, but in warmer weather he'll go around with only a vest.
Personality: Kieran has a simple outlook on life. He doesn't believe it's worth-while to sit and mope about when something's not going your way when you could be out making yourself happy again. Pleasent to talk to and easy to be around, Kieran is generally the type to make fast friends. In fact, he's got about three at least in every Hold, Crafthall, or Weyr he's ever visited with the Caravan. He doesn't like to see people sad, and is usually quick with a joke or a cheery tune to bring a smile to their lips. He's not exactly a careless boy; he's really quite responsible, having been left alone with six children all younger than him often enough and having to make sure they didn't wander off or get into fights. He was well-regarded among the trading folk as a nice lad who could be counted on.
Past: Born and raised in a trading caravan, Kieran has known nothing but the open road and happy people since birth. Likely his most favourite thing to do is sit around a campfire beneath a star-filled sky and enlighten whoever will listen with a tune or two on his well-used set of reed pipes. The oldest of seven siblings, he also became accustomed to taking on the roll of the responsible big brother, and was always there when his littlest sister scraped her knee or when his overly-rambunctious brother needed someone to wrestle with.
Current Place of Residence: Minerva Weyr
Job/Rank: Candidate

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