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Date Posted: 18:53:15 03/03/02 Sun
Author: Saria
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Subject: *Girl walks in humming to herself*

Name Saria
Age 18-ish
Gender Girl
Appearance- Saria is dressed as lightly as she can, coming from a minor runnerbeast hold. She carries on her back a pack full of food, numbweed, and an extra set of clothes. As she walks up to you, you see that she's tanned from time outdoors and hard work. Her hair is a brown/black sort of color accented by a rose in full bloom. Her eyes are liquid brown and very expressive, looking at you as if seeing through your soul.
Current place of residence
She has ran away from her father's runnerbeast hold after telling her that she would have to quit running off to tend to her whims and settle down and find a husband. She's ran off to join the Harper Crafthall, hoping that they would accept her. She has had instuction in voice, and a little in instuments, but voice being her choice and passion

*You catch a drift of her song*
Walking further and further
hoping to find that one true place
to call home.
Hope beyond hope,
dreaming further to the sky,
home is where I wanna be,
with you right there beside me.

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