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Date Posted: 10:02:03 03/07/02 Thu
Author: Dawn
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Subject: Adoption

I'd like to adopt J'rul with bronze Kinith. Here's his info if I can have him:

Name: J'rul
Age: 21
Appearance: Medium height, reddish-brown hair, and brown eyes.
Residence: Kinia Weyr
Job: Rider of bronze Kinith

And here's my rping sample:

With a despondent sigh, J'rul snatched his flying harness from its peg and flung it down on the ground next to the great bronze lump that was the resting Kinith. The dragon sleepily brought his head about to grumpily eye J'rul. - Must you throw things about so? - he grumbled. J'rul sighed heavily again. "Kinith, I'm sorry." He took a deep breath to calm himself, then leaned back against the bronze. "It's just--" and his anger flared up again as he spoke, "since when are bronzes corraled for transportation services?" Kinith gave him a moment to take another dep breath, then calmly replied, - Since yesterday, apparently. - J'rul gave him an exasperated look. "That's not what I meant, Kinith." The bronze astonished him by answering, - I know. You did not need to accept. - J'rul gave short, bitter laugh and shook his head. "Are you awake enough to fly without falling out of the sky?" he queried, changing the subject. Kinith yawned mightily and gave an affirmative. "Right then," muttered J'rul, picking up the harness from where he'd tossed it. "I need something cold in my face. Air is just the thing..." With nimble fingers, he quickly fitted the harness onto Kinith, then agily mounted with the assitance of Kinith's crooked leg. - Where to? - Oh, anywhere...just around the Weyr, I guess. Kinith lumbered to the edge of their weyr and, as J'rul clenched the harness straps in his hands, fell off the edge. At the critical point, he extended his wings and pulled out, soaring upwards with speed that nearly brought tears to J'rul's eyes. Leveling out, the bronze glided on the air, then gave two sweeps of his wings to bring them higher. J'rul relaxed, banishing thoughts of anything but Kinith. Suddenly, the bronze banked and dove to the right, throwing J'rul off balance. You did that on purpose! he accused Kinith. - Yes, I did. was the dragon's amused reply. J'rul laughed, a sound swept away immediately by the wind. I am hungry, Kinith informed J'rul, who nodded and made sure Kinith had the picture in his mind. The pair winked between.

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