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Date Posted: 16:01:57 03/11/02 Mon
Author: Akilae
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Subject: [...Rp Sample...]
In reply to: Xanta 's message, "*laughs in reply*" on 08:09:35 03/11/02 Mon

She glances around her. She sat in the sand of the dunes and and closed her eyes to enjoy the feelings that the dunes always brought. Her hair was ebon hued and her eyes emerald. She wore light forest green clothes, under which was light-copper hued skin. She first felt the heat of the deserts, the heat was welcomed into her body. Unlike that of the cold. She hated the cold and it disliked her. She shuddered at the remberance of the cold nights of the deserts. Those memorys reminded her why she didn't wish to stay outside long. The sun already going done. She felt another feeling, the sand. Its grains cascading through her fingers when she picked up a handful. The feel of it when she walked barefooted, her feet able to handle the heat of the sand well. She sighed as the dersert dunes brought back many memorys of her childhood. Yet another feeling was the wind, which carried the sand grains which stung her skin lightly when the wind blew. The stinging was bareable, but not in the eyes. She remembered when she had gotten sand in her eyes. Those memorys some she didn't wish to remember. The wind also blew a cool breeze that eased the heat a little. She sighed once more then snapped awake when the last ray of the sun left the horizon. She got up and ran quietly back to where she had came from.

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