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Date Posted: 16:25:04 08/02/02 Fri
Author: Ayx Kota
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Subject: } spirit.of.the.cat {

} now little more than a month old, strawberry filly strays from her mother's side. curious eyes wide, she inspects the world around her, glancing back toward her mother every now and then. cautiously placing each ivory nail before her, her back hunched like a cat's, she slowly approaches the winding stream which had so baffled her for days on end. finally deciding to venture out to find the source of the sound of the trickling water, she found herself now watching the sparkling atrocity with great interest. stepping lightly toward it, she leans down to sniff at it, shying when her muzzle contacts the unknown substance. her mane rising slightly, she tiptoes over to it again, this time very cautious of how low her nose gets. finding that it doesn't smell dangerous or threatening, she touches it again, and squeals. whirling, she canters back to her mother's side, the stream out of sight and her excitedness peaked. prancing in place, she looks toward the other mare and stallion, snorting softly. she stills and calms, flopping over on her side and drifting into a light sleep. {

((sry for the inactivity-been busy))

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