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Date Posted: 09:35:18 09/11/21 Sat
Author: c
Subject: Supplementary teachings 9/2021

(Please forgive and excuse the teachings not properly cited and credited to the writer of the uncredited teachings – sorry)


Forget about what the evil one likes, but rather, be enthusiastic about what the Heavenly Father and Faithful and True Jesus Christ like!!!

Forget about what the evil one wants, but rather, be excited about what the Heavenly Father and Faithful and True Jesus Christ want!!!!!!!!!!!!


A watching world

Dear fellow Christian, we are being observed as we move about in the world. Will people be directed to Jesus by what they see?...

As Christians, let's take time to observe people and show interest in them as Christ did. Let's be the light that Christ wants us to be in the world, whether we're in the marketplace or just traveling from one place to another. People of the world want answers, and when they see something in us that speaks of God, they will observe us closely and perhaps ask about the hope within us (1 Peter 3:15).

Larry Baer

You may not be an observing person, but the world is observing you.


Controlling our thought lives is something all Christians must battle. And our greatest weapon is the sword of the Spirit. When we saturate our minds with the Word of the Lord, we have the tools to overcome the temptations and troubles that crowd into our lives.


Finally, never give up. Proverbs 24:16 says, "Though a righteous person falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin" (CSB). The number "seven" indicates multiplicity. No matter how many times we mess up, we're to get up - not give up. In the overcoming life, defeat is never final. Our job isn't to gain the victory but to increasingly live in the victory Christ has already gained for us....


Love with Faith

To properly evaluate our love, we must check our faith factor. If we multiply our love by a weak faith, the product will be anything but strong! Then we can expect to get frustrated when we show love to others but they do not respond as we think they should. But if we have a strong faith in God and His Word, and if we let that faith bolster our love, then we can truly love our neighbors as ourselves (Luke 10:27). We can even love our enemies too!

Dennis Martin


Fil: I wholeheartedly agree that it's God Who redirects and shapes our desires. To believe that it is our responsibility is a terrible mistake, setting us up for a lifetime of failure and disappointment. Instead, our task is to allow God to undertake the necessary renovation of our desires.


.....We do it knowing that we cannot be both faithful and exempt from pain. We do it knowing that we must remain vulnerable even to the pain of our own failures. Perhaps one of the most significant ways we can cultivate a culture of grace in our Churches is to extend that grace to ourselves. The irony of our growing maturity is that we can lose it by overprotecting it.


Some truths are bitter pills to swallow while others taste sweet. If we remember how much God loves us, His truth will taste more like honey.


Shelter in God: Your Refuge in times of trouble

by Dr. David Jeremiah

p 48 - 50

Suffering and strength are two sides of the same coin. When I was younger, I heard that God doesn't greatly use someone until He crushes them., I never liked the sound of that, and I used to pray that I might be the exception. ...But God doesn't make any exceptions.

....Spurgeon suffered with prolonged bouts of depression and anxiety, and his psychological and physical ailments were so crippling that he frequently was confined to bed for weeks.

Spurgeon came to see these problems as God's work in his life.His sufferings enabled him to comfort and encourage the many people who were touched by his ministry. And he found a pattern to his life: his periods of depression invariably preceded seasons of God's special blessings on his ministry. He knew he did not suffer without reason.

The depression actually became, as Spurgeon described it, a sort of "John the Baptist" for him, heralding a new and mighty outpouring of God's Spirit.

God is up to something when He sends difficulty our way.

Life is not going to be easy, but I do believe that it can be victorious. When you know Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ, you can endure whatever is placed before you with a strength the world can't comprehend.


Adult Bible Class - Union Gospel Press - Christian Life Series

Summer Quarter - June, July, August 2020

Lesson 9


Saul's disobedience under pressure

by John Alva Owston

p 45

...Because of a distorted view of grace, some have concluded that obedience is of no consequence (cf. Romans 6:1-2). To be sure, our obedience does not earn God's favor; but God's grace instructs us to live in a manner that reflects a regenerate heart (Titus 2:11-12).

Golden Text Illuminated

by John Lody

p 46

That was precisely how Saul excused his actions to Samuel, and therein lies the main problems with his actions and attitudes: he sought to justify himself rather than admit his sin and seek forgiveness. It was not just the inappropriate act that sealed his doom but his response to being confronted with his sin. Because Saul persisted in self-justification, resentment and bitterness were planted like poisonous weeds in his heart.


Our Daily Bread


A divine duet

My Teacher's presence makes all the difference. When I rely on Jesus to help me, I find my life is more honoring to God. I serve joyfully, love freely, and am amazed as God blesses my relationships....

Each day we play a duet with our good Teacher - it's His grace and power that carry the melody of our spiritual lives.

Jennifer Benson Schuldt


intouch.org Daily devotion 8/14/20

Growing Faith

2 Thessalonians 1:3-5

God’s desire is that we grow in faith as we walk with Him. Faith is not merely a one-time event through which we were saved; rather, it’s a continuous way of life from the point of salvation forward. Ideally, the longer we live, the greater our confidence in God should become.

Our degree of faith in the Lord affects every area of our life—our thoughts, attitudes, prayers, and behavior. And trials often reveal just how much we trust Him. When we face afflictions, do we notice only the suffering and impossibilities, or do we see the greatness of our heavenly Father, who controls all these situations?

Faith also has the power to influence emotions. When our minds are filled with doubts about God, anxiety and fear rush in. Instead of resting in Christ, we fuss and fume, trying to anticipate all possible outcomes and solve every problem in our own strength.

But when God’s Word is the foundation for our thoughts, we’ll find that His love, sovereignty, and wisdom become our focus. And as our confidence in the Father grows, we’ll find ourselves depending on Him more. Then difficulties won’t shake us as easily because His peace and joy will guard our heart and our mind.


Thru the Bible with J Vernon McGee


3 John shows that Truth must always come before love when there seems to be a competing thing between them. John orders people with wrong doctrine to be rejected and given no encouragement or else we are becoming guilty of their evil deeds as well.


Beside the Still Waters


A Portrait of Simple Faith

....Let's take a close look at this woman who came to Jesus

The first detail was her boldness to step out of her comfort zone. ...That boldness likely appeared foolish to faithless onlookers. Next we notice her courage in staying the course she had begun. The woman may have thought her boldness was in vain. But faith's bravery clung to God's faithfulness. Never mind that others have turned back.

Third, the humility of faith shone brightly. We don't deserve the gift of faith, much less the notice of the Master. This woman realized that her opportunity was here; let others call her what they would. She willingly took her place among the lowest of the low to gain the Master's notice.

Fourth is the tenacity of faith. If the woman would be called a dog, then let her be dogged about pursuing the goal of healing for her daughter....Her tenacity moved her to be satisfied with only crumbs of mercy from Jesus. So she clung persistently to her quest.

Finally, the outcome of faith highlights the portrait. Her daughter was immediately made whole. This woman's budding faith had burst into full bloom that still stands as a monument for us today. She received the commendation and acceptance of her Lord. What a beautiful portrait! Meditate on it. Perhaps you will see even more details.

Delmar Eby

Humility causes faith to crawl upon its knees as it climbs up to meet God.


Our Daily Bread


Refined in the fire

Perhaps you feel like you're in a refiner's fire - feeling the heat of setbacks, illness, or other challenges. But hardship is often the process by which God purifies the gold of our faith. In our pain we might beg God to quickly end the process, but He knows what's best for us, even when life hurts. Keep connected to the Savior, seeking His comfort and peace.

Linda Washington

Father God, help me see how the trials of my life bring out the gold in me.


Our Daily Bread


Only Trust

Three hundred children were dressed and seated for breakfast, and a prayer of thanks was offered for the food. But there was no food! Situations like this were not unusual for orphanage director and missionary George Mueller (1805 - 1898). Here was yet another opportunity to see how God would provide. Within minutes of Mueller's prayer, a baker who couldn't sleep the night before showed up at the door. Sensing that the orphanage could use the bread, he had made three batches. Not long afterward, the town milkman appeared. His cart had broken down in front of the orphanage. Not wanting the milk to spoil, he offered it to Mueller.

....a clear vision of God as the Provider Who has promised to supply our needs can be liberating. Before we seek solutions, may we be careful to seek Him first. Doing so can save us time, energy, and frustration.

Arthur Jackson

Father, sharpen my vision of You as the Provider for all my needs. Forgive me for times I have futilely sought to find my way without seeking You first.


Messianic Bible 8/24/20 Where Did the Canaanites Go? Are they alive today ... and How Do We Help Them Find Yeshua?

Why did Yeshua, the Sar Shalom (Prince of Peace), give this woman such a hard time?

He simply wanted her to express the condition of her heart, for Yeshua had just finished teaching that “it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come.” (Mark 7:20–21)

In bowing to Him, she revealed her heart's humility.

In asking for even a crumb of His Divine food, she displayed her great trust in Him as the Bread of Life.

In referring to herself as a dog, she understood that as a Canaanite, she did not naturally deserve anything from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, yet she persistently and earnestly sought the Divine intervention of His Son, Yeshua.

After revealing her faith and trust in Yeshua's divine identity, He restored her daughter's peace:

“For saying that, you may go—the demon has left your daughter.” (v. 29)


Moving Forward: Daily Steps for Your Spiritual Journey

July - September


Seek the Truth

...Job kept explaining that he had not sinned against God. But he went too far. We all know that every human being is broken and has sinned. Job was not without blame. But did he really deserve to lose everything?

....We list all of the things we do correctly in an attempt to convince Him that He has wronged us. We try to make God fit into our understanding of life....Instead, praise God in the midst of the pain. Admit that you need the Savior and open yourself up to God's guidance and peace.


Our Daily Bread


Speak up!

Brittany exclaimed to her coworker at the restaurant, "There's that man! There's that man!" She was referring to Melvin, who first encountered her under different circumstances. While he was tending to the lawn of his church, the Spirit prompted him to start a conversation with a woman who appeared to be a prostitute. Her reply when he invited her to church was: "Do you know what I do? They wouldn't want me in there." When Melvin told her about the love of Jesus and assured her of His power to change her life, tears streamed down her face. Now, some weeks later, Brittany was working in a new environment, living proof of the power Jesus to change lives.

Have you prayed for opportunities to speak boldly and clearly for Jesus? Such prayers can lead believers, like Melvin, to speak about Him in unexpected places and to unexpected people. Speaking up for Jesus can seem uncomfortable, but the rewards - changed lives - have a way for compensating for our discomforts.

Arthur Jackson'

Jesus, help me see opportunities and step through doors You open and speak boldly and clearly about You!


Today in the Word

by Dr. John Koessler


Divine Coincidence

G.K. Chesterton once observed "Coincidences are spiritual puns." In other words, what we view as coincidence may be God's intervention in our liife.....

Indeed, verse 15 indicates that none of this was accidental. God had orchestrated the whole thing to move His plan forward.


Confirming God's Call

...Saul was no automaton. While the power came from God, the response would be Saul's. God's Spirit was able to transform Saul, but it did not relieve Saul of the responsibilities of faith or obedience.

God's power and our response are not equal partners. The kind of faith that bears fruit in obedience flows from the assurance that God's Spirit will empower us. Obedience is the fruit of faith. Will you obey and follow Him today?


A False Start

Here and later, we find that Saul is a tragic figure. We are tempted to feel sorry for him. But there was more to Saul;'s failure than inept leadership. His refusal to wait and the decision to sacrifice sprang from a desire to manipulate God....

What's the difference between praying in faith and attempting to manipulate God? Ultimately it is our attitude of submission. We pray, but God controls the outcome. God is sympathetic to our cry, but He is not under our control.


Moving Forward: Daily Steps for your spiritual journey

September 12

When we feel abandoned

We get into problems, though, when our faith in God depends on our feelings....We can look back over our lives and recall our Heavenly Father was with us then, even if we didn't feel it at the time.

....Like Job, we must choose to continue to pursue God despite our momentary feelings.


Lord, I rejoice in Your presence today. Please help me to remember that You are always with me even when I feel abandoned. Amen.


Prayer: 90 Devotions from Our Daily Bread

p 28

Persistent Prayer

A friend of mine has been a woman of prayer for many years. She has received countless answers from God, but sometimes she is disheartened because certain prayers for loved ones remain unanswered. Yet she keeps praying, encouraged by the parable in Luke 18....

George Muller (1805 - 1898), pastor and orphanage director, was known for his faith and persistent prayer. Many times when he prayed for specific needs for his orphanage, God sent exactly what was required. Yet for more than 40 he also prayed for the conversion of a friend and his friend's son. When Muller died, these men were still unconverted. God answered those prayers, however, in His own time. The friend was converted while attending Muller's funeral, and the son a week later!

Do you have a special burden or request? Keep on praying! Trust you loving Heavenly Father to answer according to His wisdom and timing. God honors persistent prayer!

Joanie Yoder


Moving Forward: Daily Steps for your spiritual journey

September 29

A living hope

Kathy thought, How can I turn away from God during one of the biggest tragedies of my life? She knew that shaking her fist at Him would be wrong. So, at that moment she prayed, "God, show me Your love. Give me the strength to make it through this part of my life."

And He did.

On the last day she spent with her mom, Kathy held her hand for six hours. Her mom whispered to her that she wasn't afraid. Kathy and her sister took turns reading Psalm 23 to their mother: "The Lord is my Shepherd...Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."

All of a sudden, their mom started reciting the passage by heart. Then she took her last breath. But at that moment - while Kathy was at her side crying because her mother had left her - Kathy knew Jesus was waiting for her with outstretched hands.


Today in the Word: A ministry of Moody Bible Institute.


Death of a King

by Dr. John Koessler

What was the difference between Saul and David?....Ultimately, the difference between these two kings was a matter of faith. As Israel's next king, David would go on to greater success. He would also have his own share of spectacular failures. But faith always led David back to God's grace and forgiveness. That is why the Lord considered David "a man after His own heart" (1 Samuel 13;14). David turned his ear to God, and obeyed His commands. David was a man of faith.

...we are encouraged to turn our ear and our heart to God, honoring Him with every step of our life.


Near and True: A devotional study of the Minor Prophets leading to a beautiful life with God.

by David Guzik


Angry- but is it right?

The right response is to own up to our anger against God and then to humbly yield it to Him...It doesn't do any good to pretend those feelings are not there, but at the same time we shouldn't indulge those feelings. Remember that God has never sinned against us at all, and we can trust Him even when we don't understand what He is doing. Then we can thank God for His loving questions.


God's Mysterious Ways: Suffering, Grace and God's plan for Joseph

by Gary Inrig

p 67

"....He only promised today's grace for today, and that's all you need!" Reminded of that, he says, "I began to readjust my focus from the future to the present. I would begin each day asking God for the grace just to sustain me that day. As that prayer was answered day after day, I gained more assurance that God would be there when things got worse."

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