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Date Posted: 17:01:21 02/13/02 Wed
Author: Mike Hart
Subject: Back to Bonas

Hi everyone:

I thought I would write a message to let you know where I am and what I have been doing. After graduation, Tim Osta, Alan Kenny, and I took a road trip around the country in my van. We drove nearly 13,000 miles and saw just about everything there is to see in the 20+ states that we toured. Although the van broke down a couple of times and the doors wouldn't lock, we didn't encounter too many problem. Some of the highlights of the trip included a weekend in Chicago, a tour of the Miller Beer Co., The Mall of America, Mt. Rushmore, Yellostone National Park, Glacier N.P., Seattle, San Francisco, Yosemite N.P., L.A., San Diego, Las Vegas, The Grand Canyon, and of course New Orleans.

I am happy to report that after such an intensive trip that I am back at SBU pursuing my MBA and working as a Grad Assistant with the Finance department. I have been visiting the Rathskeller on occasion as well. I have to admit that it is good to be back.

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