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Date Posted: 22:32:56 09/20/00 Wed
Author: FEÅR_|>s¥cHºTìc
Subject: Resignation of FEÅR_|>s¥cHºTìc

I been thinking alot about what happend and I cant forget it. I feel like I was trapped into saying something wrong and I dont think it was right. I'm 26 years old, no one can tell me what kind of information I can get from other clan members or the internet. Trying to find out information on how people crash games and hack your pc should not be a fuckin crime. It's called wanting to learn information to be smarter on the subject. I feel that eves dropping on Reaper and myself was a very dirty thing to do. If I listened in on a conversation I could probably pick out something to get pissed off about too. But I guess thats where we differ(Echo). I already have a daddy and I dont need another one. I enjoyed being clanless to avoid the bullshit and I'm going back to that same atmosphere where I can play in peace and go where I wanna go and learn what I wanna learn. This is almost the same thing you did with Duncan except in his case you put a price of some software on ya'lls friendship(good job LEADER!!!). Razor bro, all I can say is that you were there, you could have defended us on this instead of suckin Echos dick when he came on(thx bro, your a real friend). You know as well as Reap and myself that we were tryin to gain knowledge of the subject and not to harm anyone or anything. In fact, you seemed to be all for learing about it til Echo showed up. Reaper said stay but my morals tell me to go. Echo bro, you jump the gun to soon man you dont wait and find out anything about whats going on. WAIT!!! yes you do, you eves drop and pick out what you wanna hear and disreguard all the other stuff. Ok, I got it now. If I only knew thats how you operated before I joined up I might have thought twice about it. Echo,I know you have the power to take this message off but at least leave it up long enough for people to know how you really are. Well, call the dogs and piss on the fire cause |>s¥cHºTìc is out.

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