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Date Posted: 18:19:43 09/22/00 Fri
Author: FEÅR Razor
Subject: Re: Resignation of FEÅR_|>s¥cHºTìc
In reply to: FEÅR_|>s¥cHºTìc 's message, "Resignation of FEÅR_|>s¥cHºTìc" on 22:32:56 09/20/00 Wed

Well sry to hear that bro, I thought that we all agreed to drop the situation like adults and move on. Even after Echo and I (yes I, because I was involved ) jumped the gun after hearing what we heard, (and by the way it wasn't what we wanted to hear, it's exactly what was being said at the precise time we joined roger wilco), I remember you psy to be begging for echo not to kick you out for wanting to learn how to hack into someones computer.
On another note you should have felt priveledged to even get in to FEAR. First of all you were the first member inducted without a full vote. That's right I didn't vote to let you in. You got in because Echo allowed you in, which is not the norm. As for your comments of what you can and cannot do, well pard you joined a clan that has some class, and some morals, if you don't like the way this clan is run then you don't need to be in here anyway. There are alot of asshole clans out there where you can go and learn to be a hacking prick, and i'm sure you'll fit right in. I know you live in Arkansas or where-ever so you probably aren't very educated, and you brain can't comprehend exactly what echo and I were upset about, cause you can't see the big picture. But let me try to shed some light on it.
There were a series of events that took place that night. The first was me coming into rnr and you and reap having a private game. Now there is nothing wrong with this, but FEAR members do not exclude any other FEAR members from ANYTHING!!!!
The second was Reap coming out and saying that he had my ip. Well the fact that reap had my ip was not the prob. The prob with me was thinking why and how did he get my ip. I'm sorry but this upset me. I know that your ip is easy to get, but i don't like anyone getting my ip for anything, especailly when i'm not aware of it. Then you and reap proceeded to go searching for ways to "learn to hack". If you failed to notice, I did not talk to either of you after that incident, and signed off rw. A few moments later echo came online, that is when we began to discuss what had happened earlier, and decided to get back on rw. Everyone in our clan has access to our rw channel, so how you can say we were easdropping is beyond me. We simply signed on and bang, here's psycho talking about learning to hack into someone elses comp. We decided to not say anything to see what else was said, but the conversation never changed, that is when echo stepped in. So now everyone who reads this post will know the whole story.
As for me not backing you up, sorry bro I do not agree with hacking into other peoples comps, there are many ways do keep people out of your comp other than hacking into thier comp. I also apologize in advance for the anger that I might be expressing in this letter, but I am sick of childesh crap going on. I have dropped out of FEAR on 2 occasions and have been talked into coming back both times. Well guess what I'm not the one who needs to leave. Echo and I are the eldest members of this clan, and basically what we say goes. So if you don't like it don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, and that goes for anyone else who doesn't like the way things are run around here. I am part of the reputation that FEAR has built, and I'll be damned if some new member is gonna come in here, start a freaking war with some piece-o-shit clan, and damage our rep.

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  • Re: Resignation of FEÅR_|>s¥cHºTìc -- PIG_D_McLeod, 20:53:14 09/22/00 Fri
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