Author: Stephen Patterson [ Edit | View ]
Date Posted: 23:53:32 01/17/23 Tue
Was on a cruise on the SS UGANDA,December 1982,remember it was possibly going to be cancelled due to the Falklands conflict,think there were about 300 kids that flew out from Glasgow,first ever time flying,was lucky to have a window seat,remember flying over the Alps,as an eleven year old can still remember how blown away by it I was,sailed from Valletta to Rhodes,where we also visited Lindus,the place where they shot some of the movie,The Guns ofNavarone,then onto Israel and Jerusalem & Bethlehem,next stop was the beautiful Island of Mykonos,where I remember our teachers coming back with loads of local booze,final destination was Athens,always remember on our way up to the Acroplis,we were all in shorts and T shirts,all the locals were wrapped in there Winter clothing,being 11,we couldn't understand why they were cold,absolutely great experience for schoolkids,great memories
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