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SS Uganda
SS Uganda Re-united
Welcome to the SS Uganda message board.
Please feel free to add your memories and
recollections of your time aboard ship.

SS Uganda log / SS Uganda Gift Shop / / Misc Uganda Stuff

Hello and welcome to the SS Uganda message board.
I hope that if you have sailed on the Uganda that you will use this message board
to post your recollections of your time on board. Maybe your looking for class mates
or if you where aboard at the time of the Falklands war your memories would also be welcome.
Looking for friends /shipmates/forces friends or want to trade memorabilia relating to SS Uganda then post it here.
BTW I`m looking for the cardboard cut-out model
that used to be sold in the ships souvenir shop.

( I sailed on her in Feb 1979 with the Northampton School for Boys .)

Yours ,

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Subject: Great time, food not so good

Tony Wye
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Date Posted: 23:59:17 04/28/05 Thu

I went on Uganda in September 81. P&O had some deal with British Airways so I went with other kids whose parents worked for BA. Our Dorm was in the bowls of the ship. I remember all the other kids were from Liverpool, couldnt understand anything they said.

We went to Lisbon, Malaga, Ajaccio (Corsica), Rome & Athens. There was one other place but I cant remember its name (maybe a greek Island). We flew back from Athens on Laker Airways.

I distinctly remember the guy in the canteen who used to give out bread and butter as you walked in, he was indian and had a patch over one eye on his glasses.

Still have really good memories.

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