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Subject: Re: School trip january 1978

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Date Posted: 22:50:34 03/23/21 Tue
In reply to: Derek 's message, "School trip january 1978" on 08:16:32 01/23/21 Sat

I was on the Uganda in January 1978 from the 6th to 13th flying from Gatwick on a Dan Air (Dare) prop plane to Tangiers. It was the first time flying for a me and others and so I was really scared and never got out of my seat the whole flight. We had a coach ride to pick up tje ship but cannot remember which port it was as it seemed like we were on the coach for over an hour but we boarded it about late afternoon and stayed in port overnight I think and then visited a market next day which was quite a culture shock. Remember a snake charmer and thinking about the poor snake being prodded out of his basket and having listen to the wailing pipes all day for the tourists. That was an experience. We left port that day and as soon as we left the shelter of the port and into open sea I realised that it was going to be a rough journey and it wasnt long before a lot of us were ill. Dont remember much about our meals apart from dry bread rolls to try to settle our stomachs which was served from a hatch lowered so you could only see the arms and hands of the servers. After a couple of days a couple of us peeked under to see their faces and give them a wave and after that they always smiled and waved back. Think we had a few days of rough sea and so it was pretty miserable feeling poorly and trying to sit in classroom doing schoolwork but luckily weather changed and we were able to use the pool and there were deck games as well. Remember seeing a group of dolphins following alongside the ship and everyone looking over the side which was pretty amazing. Remember watching James Bond The Spy Who Loved Me in the cinema and hearing Mull of Kintrye on the juke box numerous times. Visited Valetta and the weather was so warm we all just had our t-shirts on and no jackets needed. Quite a novelty as with it being January we would normally be freezing back home. Our last port was Athens and a visit around the City buying souveniers (bought a Greek replica ancient vase which is still in my mam's cabinet some 43 years later). We flew back to Gatwick later that afternoon and that was an eventful flight to end our holiday. Feel lucky I was able to experience a holiday visiting those countries at such an age (14) especially the cost being in the region of eighty something pounds (which was still probably a lot for our parents at the time). Great memories all the same and so pleased I had the experience to sail on such a ship.

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Subject Author Date
Re: School trip january 1978JackieRou (Happy)19:44:13 04/17/21 Sat
Re: School trip january 1978Jacqueline Routledge16:42:49 02/05/24 Mon

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