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The Rock storms to the ring with the crowd on their feet carrying a microphone. He climbs each turn-buckle and raises his hand. Thousands of photos are taken of the great one.
The Rock=Finally The Rock has come back to Boston. (the corwd cheers) You see people The Rock has realised 1 thing. Steve Austin has never, AND THE ROCK MEANS EVER, impressed the rock. Did he ever think that he was a champion, did he ever think that he can kick the rocks ass. Well MONKEYS WIPE THEIR ASS WITH WHAT HE THINKS!
The Rock= You see Steve what you are failing to realise is that The Rock is electrifiyng, he emits electricity. He is electrtifying soley on genetic make up. He emits electricy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, including leap years.
So Steve I have a propersition for you. You go one on one with the great one for you undisputed championship!
The rock leaves the ring.
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