Author: seraphad [ Edit | View ]
Date Posted: 08:22:25 02/24/02 Sun
I really need to get this up and running asap. Dont want to waste too much time on the website design etc. Need to get people to start trading weird stuff so there are hits on my website, then transfer to my own domain. This sucks...somehow I relish pen and paper - much easier and faster. Wouldmt make a good fashion magazine editor anyway...if I was in charge, will be more like a clumsily cobbled early edition Playboy esque style. Hey the programmer that could design the easiest webpage editor for people with the least HTML, dynamic HTML, Flash, Javascript effects as though with pen and paper then a million bucks to him I say. As for programming, well applets and servlets are easily inserted into the code and all well and dandy. Adobe Photoshoppers is another area of contention... I guess everyone is a digital artist nowdays. Must design simple logo and then several gratitious effects. I hate popups and thus there can be no popups...where to place adverts...banners will do but no garish or overly bright colors, subtle colors will fir in nicely......
The hallmark of any magazine is a good cartoon strip, call me an 80s kid but how can you run a magazine without a witty satire and not crude sarcasm...they dont make 'em like they used to. luckily I am going to run a hobbyist site and most likely wont lose focus....How do you define fun anyway these days? Certaintly not an absence of work I hope but rather a stimulation of the senses; if not the mind in which casual probing may reveal an inqusitive nature bent on mischief. No, engagement is a better word to use. You want to talk and instantaneously there is a reply.
interactivity of websites with users reaching the level of games. interesting notion, provided that the basic functions are not compromised. ah well I suppose that entertainment is subjective at best, rambly at worst. the new millenium up till now heralds a loss of innonence beyond comprehension, up to a point where there are no new experiences to be had, no new avenues to be explored, no bated anticipation of a more cheery tommorrow.
Bloody hell, I think for myself I am going to turn the wheel back and have a text adventure applet for my website so that people are forced to think and elocute.
End of self-indulgence nonsense but I will incorporate the text adventure somehow...
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