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Subject: Lost engine power/RPMs

M. Davies
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Date Posted: 17:48:13 09/19/03 Fri

I recently experienced a near complete loss of engine power while driving my 98' Chevy Silverado V8 5.7L up a steep mountain incline today. With my gas pedal to the floor, my truck RPM's maxed out at about 3000, with no apparent power to the drivetrain.

As of right now, on level ground, my truck cannot accelerate like it used to, but it can slowly make its way up to about 70-mph. On any appreciable incline, I get barely enough power to make it up the hill/slope.

Could this be a compression problem resultant from a blown seal/gasket of some sort? If so, what seal/gasket should I be looking at?

PS- I checked my muffler/exhaust system, and outside of a small (marble size) hole in the muffler itself, there weren't any signs of damage/disrepair.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Lost engine power/RPMsJerry Wright18:23:26 01/22/04 Thu

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