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Date Posted: 20:16:10 02/21/02 Thu
Author: Willmina & W'menel
Subject: First Meeting

W'menel entered the cool darkness of the dining hall and looked around.
She said she was here, he thought stroking his beard.
It had been good to take the bath to cleanse away the sweat and dirt. He had also to wash and oil Leranth. With that done he could turn thoughts to his own stomach and the aching need for klah and food.

"Welcome to Minerva Weyr."

The voice behind him made him jump. He turned to see the woman behind him.
Not overly pretty but the smile entranced him. He couldn't quite make out the color of the eyes and the fine blonde hair was muted in the darkness of the hall. She stood about five inches shorter than he but there was the assurance that could only come from being a goldrider- Only that this woman didn't seem as stuffy as other goldriders he'd known. The voice..Her voice wasn't what he'd expected after all the liltings of other women he'd known, framiliar or not.

"I'm Willmina."
She looked over the man and knew that he had a past. A lot of hard living in his face but a charm exuded from him that she could instantly see. She never much cared for red-haired men. Maybe it was the full beard that intrigued her. She hadn't seen those much in this desert climate where less hair was cooler. "You must be W'menel."

W'menel looked at her directly. "I am. I hope.."
Not intruding? No, she knows I'm not.
"I'm not too late. I had my dragon and myself to tend to."

Willmina flashed the smile again that made him go weak.
He was sounding like some variety of weyrling. She paused to remember Shetanth's comment about Lerath's rider being shy.
"No need to explain. I knew that you might want to do so." She beckoned him to the klah pot by the entrance to the kitchen. "I made some rolls this morning. Would you care for some?"

W'menel was floored. "You cook?"

"Shouldn't I?" Willmina shot back lightly with a slight chuckle. "I learned how to cook long before I learned to fly adragonback. Trust me, I never lost my skill in the kitchen."

W'menel had thought the comment might have irritated her but it did not. A good sign. Indeed, a very good sign.

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