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Date Posted: 20:19:10 02/27/02 Wed
Author: Willmina & W'menel
Subject: Dinner

It was quite different to have someone to cook for and eat meals with in the Dining Hall. It certainly was a chance to break away from the grabbed bites that Willmina had been used to doing before W'menel showed up.
Since the brown rider's arrival, they both had explored Minerva's many rooms and made notes of what little was found. W'menel had pointed out that there had been what looked to be natural damage in the lower storerooms and many of the walls would have to be redone to prevent tunnel snakes. It would be worthwhile, they both agreed, to get some felines and watchwhers to keep the storerooms protected once the Weyr got totally up and running.
It seemed so strange, to Willmina, the lack of artifacts found here. There was very little sign of prior habitation.
Certainly the Weyr thrived in Weyrwoman Nastassia's day hundreds of Turns ago and was very rich with trader's wealth- all the old legends from the desert said so.
New Igen-Weyr of gold.
How often that had been pounded into her head before she was taken away after being Searched.

Willmina pause with a bite of wherry before her lips. She put the fork down and looked at W'menel.

"There's a flit beach?"

W'menel hadn't expected the reaction from the Weyrwoman.
"You don't like flits?"

"I like them. I just didn't know there was a beach nearby."

"I thought it might be a change after all the stomping around dusty storerooms and unused tunnels." W'menel's deep brown eyes were a shade of medium amber in the torchlit hall. They tried to catch the Weyrwoman's gaze quite a lot.

Willmina forced herself not to look into them too long. Those eyes of his were mesmerizing and Shetanth was chiding her about her rider's thoughts of late. There was her status to remember. More riders would be coming soon and there was much to do.
A chance to get away for a day would be nice.

Willmina shook her head.
"Let's go see them. I think we both could use a day away from here."
She looked up and the brown eyes were smiling well beyond the grin on W'menel's mouth.

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