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Date Posted: 13:27:52 03/24/02 Sun
Author: Brynn
Subject: Nods eagerly
In reply to: Dajan 's message, "Re: Chuckles" on 13:22:53 03/24/02 Sun

"Of course I'd rather Impress then cook. But I've had it drummed into my head so many times that I won't do anything but cook, it's hard to drop the habit. And your idea to set out the food and let people take what they want is a splendid one," she says, gathering the basket of rolls in one hand and a pile of plates in the other. She carefully walks out and sets them on one of the unoccupied long tables, then fetches the utensils (which she puts in her dress pocket to free up her hands), the eggs, and the sausage and places them on the table as well. She pulls out the silverware and places it there, then hurries back to Dajan. "Alright then, let's get out of here before someone decides they want us to cook something else," she says with a grin, grabbing Dajan's hand and pulling him towards the stairs that lead to the Weyrling Barracks, Nien gliding along behind.

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