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Date Posted: 08:49:06 03/28/02 Thu
Author: R'geto
Subject: ~*Walking*~

Rireth had told him to calm down, so he did. We won't fall apart. No Weyr can argue this close to a Hatching, R'geto. he had argued, and R'geto believed him. He walked into the dining hall, which had been packed with people earlier. He scarcly believed it. It was quiet, the silence comforting. R'geto wandered through the large room, stopping to look at the flit eggs, to look at the supplies. R'geto smiled. He liked this place. He wouldn't leave. It didn't matter if some didn't like him. R'geto ran his fingers along a dining table, dark eyes watching the entrance. Willmina had said W'menel wanted to talk to him at dinner. But when was dinner? R'geto continued his walk, looking around the spacious room. After your dinner, I want to feed. Rireth called. Do you want to feed now, Rireth? R'geto asked his bronze. No. You need to talk to W'menel first. It wouldn't be very good if you missed talking to him. Rireth said, and R'geto smiled. Alright, Rireth. I get the point. Rireth shook his head. Good. I like it here too. he said bluntly.

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