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Date Posted: 11:00:47 03/31/02 Sun
Author: Sariah & Sprit & Qennith
Subject: ~Hunger~

~A trio walk in, a girl, a dragon, and a fire lizard. The girl walks to where the wherry is so that she could feed her friends~
~The blue fire lizard, riding atop the dragonling, creels loudly for his food, thinking that he was here first, so he should be fed first~
~The girl hurries back to her friends with the wherry for them and klah for her~ Oh hush Sprit, you're being selfish. Qennith just hatched, don't you think she should be fed first?
~Fire lizard shakes his head, a gesture learned from Sariah. He creels louder than before, demanding food for his tummy~
~Girl sighs and lobs him a piece of meat, which he catches in mid-air and starts to chow down~ Okay Qennith, your turn. ~Holds a piece of meat up for Qennith to see, and reaches to feed it to her~
~Green dragonling delicately takes and chews, showing better manners than the blue flit, which was tearing his chunk of wherry meat into pieces~ Mmmmm this is good! ~She exclaims~ Yum!
~Finishing his chunk he creels for more~
Nu-unh, no more meat for you mister, you're bulged too big now. ~Sariah tells him. Turns to the green~ I think you've had enough too, don't'cha think?
Mm-hmm. Stuffed to the gill
~Surprise at the expression registers on her face, before smiling in amusement~ Now when've you ever had gills huh? ~She asks quietly~
Dunno, when? You'd better eat too, you look starved. ~Curls up, but watches her friend intently, making sure she does eat~
Yeah yeah. Didn't get a chance to eat this morning, I was in a hurry to get to the Sands. ~Sips at her klah, feeling better already~

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