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Date Posted: 07:31:49 03/16/02 Sat
Author: Willmina & W'menel
Subject: Morning and talk of Thread

She padded down the smooth stone steps to the dining hall.
Damn it was late!

Willmina chided herself. It would be at least ten minutes before the klah would be ready..
Her eyes widened at the man that was sitting at the table as she entered.

"W'menel! When did you come in?"

"Last night. You were already asleep." The brownrider smiled at the cheery words. She did happy to have him back.
"I made some klah. It is in the kitchen."

"How was Telgar?" Willmina said, after pouring a cup of klah and returned to his table.

W'menel snorted.
"Same as always. Their attitude is not very kind towards our Weyr. They feel.. they feel that it is pointless to start this Weyr again."

"Damn them! They always want it all for themselves! They wouldn't say the same about Kinia or Xanta. Xanta's got a flight. You should have seen the Hatching at Kinia. It was wonderful!"

W'menel frowned. "I wish I could have."

"Arialna? If you don't mind my asking."

He nodded.
"She's not happy with anything. I told her I want the baby adopted out. She's no mother and I have obligations to my dragon, this Weyr and PERN." He looked at her directly.
"You know the seer, Klimnon?"

"I've heard of him. His predictions are accurate."

"He was at the Telgar Bowl and was speaking of the return of Thread."

Willmina shuddered.
It had been ages since any dragon was called to chew firestone or queens had to carry flamers and tanks on their backs. It was a history still told but only to children as a tale of what happened when one was bad.
"Did he say when?"

"Soon and 'woe to the Weyr and Hold that does not heed my warning..' He had the folks at Telgar muttering."

Willmina sat back. Thread. Damn but that was frightening. just the damage to land alone would be staggering. Not to mention crops and livestock.
"I have had a thought that after Shetanth has Clutched and we have weyrlings here again, I want whomever we appoint to be Weyrlingmaster to begin teaching the old art of Thread-fighting to the pairs."

"Would you want Shetanth to carry tanks?"

"And Lerath to chew firestone? I think it might be a skill worth relearning, W'menel."

"Do we have any equipment here?"

"No, but it sells for cheap in the Trader's Market by the Hold. I saw them before. They never sold then. I want to get there before they take Klimnon's words to heart. I only want there to be enough for us and a Clutch for now."

W'menel smiled. It would be good to have a mission, a goal to have now. Relearning how to fight Thread would be worth it.

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