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Date Posted: 15:20:09 03/17/02 Sun
Author: Willmina & W'menel
Subject: -Relief-

It felt so good to be able to finally sit down that evening.
After a day of new Candidates, fixing agenothree tanks and harnesses, and bringing the firestone to the storeroom for it, both of them were tired.
Willmina had privately mentioned to W'menel that morning that he was acting-Weyrleader until Shetanth rose again.
THAT probably wouldn't be for quite a time. Even after, he might remain Weyrleader if he really stood out after any bronzeriders came here and couldn't measure up.

Willmina dished herself up some of the spiced herdbeast stew over rice for herself and sat down across from W'menel.
"Never thought so many Candidates would arrive today. Nice to see all of them."

"Any ones you like in particular?" W'menel looked up.

"Like Varda a lot. She's got spunk and drive. Auriga is a little stiff. Lot like her sister. Brynn..amiable enough but I don't really know yet."


"The one you met at the Hatching Area?"

W'menel smiled. Yes, the girl had been eager to see if there was a Clutch there.

Willmina shook her head as if to say 'Too new still'. After a moment, she looked for Potter who normally joined them for the evening meal. Anise was already begging for chunks of herdbeast from W'menel's plate.
"Have you seen Potter?"

-He went on a 'Flight'. Shetanth answered.
-I told you earlier. You forgot.

She smiled and shook her head. W'menel watched her and began to smile himself at the brightness of her face.

"What?" He asked.

"Potter is out courting a gold." She tried not to giggle at the thought of the newly mature flit of hers already feeling the boiling of blood for mating. "Hope he flies well."

W'menel shot her a look that she didn't seem to see but it said volumes about how HE was starting to feel about her.

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