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Date Posted: 08:32:37 03/22/02 Fri
Author: Auriga
Subject: [...Stares...]
In reply to: Dajan 's message, "Re: Almost done..." on 16:00:45 03/21/02 Thu

At hearing her name and the rude comment she snaps a reply from the place she worked. "Getting in the way am I? I don't know how to cook. I've been living by myself for ages and Turns." She replied with bitter humor, as she thought. She glanced at the basket a moment. Khalai her bronze flit dacing on her shoulders. She glares at him to stop moving. Concentrating on a small green egg in the basket. She grins pleased. Her other green was hatching. She gathers some scraps of meat quickly and rushed over. She then slows, the others must think her a fool to rush at things. She smiles as a green climbs out of the small egg. It trilled to her, smelling the meat. She smiled and lazily put the meat in front of the flit. "Good?" She asks. Her bronze was flying circles around the green, slightly interested. She shooed him away, as he flew she notices a small crack among his scales. Gasping she calls him back. He lands on her shoulder and chirps questionably into her ear. She looks over to Brynn and Varda. "Do any of you know where I can get some oil? I need to oil my flits scales. Hes really young and needs it."

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