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Date Posted: 21:32:23 02/26/02 Tue
Author: Jay Dee
Subject: Re: Churching Buildings, paid preachers, and other innovations
In reply to: David Proffitt 's message, "Churching Buildings, paid preachers, and other innovations" on 15:17:47 02/26/02 Tue

"I would like to have a discussion on various innovations that churches have adopted since the first century. Things such as church buildings, paid preachers, specialized ministers, the use of overhead projectors and fancy audio-visual equipment for worship, the use of praise teams instead of simple song leaders, etc."

The Bible doesn't condone nor condemn any of these things. Heb 10:24 says we are to assemble, but doesn't say where. A church building, rented hall, home, or an open field would all be acceptable. It is up to us to choose a place and time to meet.

As far as paid preachers, the Bible specifically says that preachers are to be paid for their work. See 1 Cor 9:14. To advocate getting rid of them because they are an innovation is both incorrect and un-scriptural. They are specifically authorized by God in scripture.

As to specialized ministers, I think we need to understand that everyone has a specialized ministry of some sort in the body. Eph 4:16 says that each part is to work properly to build up the body. 1 Cor 12 says that there are a variety of ministries in the church, and they all are to work together to build up the body. We CANNOT make the entire body and eye or foot, because the Bible specifically teaches diversity in functions.

What is wrong with overhead projectors or other audio-visual equipment? Where in the world would you get the idea that these are condemened as an innovation? Teaching has been and is always contemporary. You use contemporary models for education to teach children. You would not use teaching methods and from the middle ages. That is why teachers in public schools get training in human development, learning styles, and educational technology. These help to maxmize teaching effectiveness. The sad thing is that churches are typically behind in utilizing these sorts of things. There is no excuse for doing a poor job. Jesus himself used various teaching methods. He used a child as on object lesson. He used parables. And he utilized a hands-on approach with such things as the limited commission when he sent out the 70. I would like to hear what scriptural grounds there are for rejecting these sorts of things.

As far as praise teams, I think you would be hard pressed to find any scriptural condemnation of these as well. There is as much support for praise teams as there is for song leaders. Neither and mentioned. If four men lead singing instead of one, what is the problem? Some churches in the world have NO song leaders. God wants us to speak to one another in songs, and to lift our hearts in praise to him (Eph 5:19). How we do it, song leader, praise team, spontaneous singing, is a matter of culture.

"Since we are to be distinct and different, should we not avoid the use of such innovations? Churches all over the country are selling out with such unscriptural practices. The desire of these innovators to be entertained rather than just worship grows stronger each year. What ever happened to our distinctiveness? Do we now want to be like the world. The greek word for church is eklesia, which means, "the called out" so we are to be separate and distinct from the world."

I don't believe that our goal should simply be to be "different" or "distinct." Our goal should be to remain biblical. IF we are to be "different" than other churches, then we need to stop singing, preaching, giving, etc. etc. etc. If they are doing something biblical that we are doing as well, we should not stop doing it simply because they are doign it. If something is biblical, relevant, and effective, it matters not who else is doing it.

Some people do want to be entertained, this has always been the case I'm sure. However, that is not the case with most people that I know that prefer contemporary styles of worship. Just because a new generation prefers contemporary style songs rather than traditional hymns which are several hundred years old does not mean they want to be entertained. Would you want to sing Gregorian chants for worship? Why not? Do you want to be entertained? Of course not. You want to sing something that enables you to sing and worship effectively. The message in a song is NOT just the words. Part of the message and mood in a song involves the melody and harmonies. At one time, four part harmony was considered an innovation that should be rejected. This style of music in England was originally used in the Taverns. It was Charles Wesley who introduced it into Christian worship in the open air in order to reach the drunks and commoners with the Gospel. It had a phenomenal effect. I think we would do well to learn something from that. Wesley himself prefered chants, but for the sake of others was willing to give.

As far as our distinctiveness, it comes not from trying to be "different," but from trying to be "biblical." Our distinctiveness as a people should come from our unswerving loyalty to Christ and to one another (Jn 13:24-35). Whether we want to admit it or not, we are "like" the world in more ways that we would care to admit. This is not necessarily bad. We live in houses, have secular jobs, drive cars, go to public schools, belong to civic organizations, etc. etc. etc. In the last part of 1 Cor 9, Paul speaks of intentially being in the world, like the world, yet not of the world in order to win the world. I think Wesley understood this principle enough to actually apply it in places that made him uncomfortable.

The word, "ekklesia" does not mean "the called out." This is an exegetical fallacy. You do not define words by etymology, but by use. The word meant simply "assembly." It was not a "church" word. It was very common before the church appropriated it for itself. It was used of political assemblies, town meetings, etc. long before there even was a Christian church. It meant "assembly" and nothing more.

"Wouldn't it be great if we could do away with church buildings, paid preachers, and just everyone be nothing but Christians?"

You imply that by using these things, you are no longer a Christian. That is simply not true. Christians meet to edify one another and worship. It matters not where they meet. The Bible specifically condones paid preachers.

Someting to think about in all this. The culture around us is changing. To bunker down and refuse to change something as simple as our repritiore of songs would be like sticking to chants when everyone else is singing four part harmony. Is it any wonder that churches that are sensitive to the cultural changes yet still stand solid on Biblical truth are the ones typically with the young people and are growing? Maybe we ought to consider some of these things a little more.

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