Date Posted:18:35:43 07/20/02 Sat Author: Jay Dee Subject: Re: Church Buildings In reply to:
Richard Fentiman
's message, "Re: Church Buildings" on 21:54:42 07/12/02 Fri
Well, I think I will add something to this discussion too.
The question of church buildings is not a matter of being scriptural or unscriptural in and of itself. I believe it is a "non-scriptural" item because the Bible does not say one thing about it one way or the other. We are to meet, and we have examples of Christians meeting in scripture wherever is convenient. The question comes down to whether we will do the best we can with what we have.
Some churches rent their facilities so as not to be overly tied to a building, and have freedom to move if they need to, and that works for them. Others have beautiful buildings that point to the glory of God, and that works for them too. Still others have a very simple bu functional meeting place, and that works for them.
Are we glorifying God, and are we carrying out his will in our collective lives? That is the question.