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Date Posted: 21:54:42 07/12/02 Fri
Author: Richard Fentiman
Subject: Re: Church Buildings
In reply to: Darren E. Beachy 's message, "Re: Church Buildings" on 07:00:50 07/11/02 Thu

Greetings in Christ from sunny Texas,

a "church building" used by Christians today--has a long and varied history--you can find the negatives just as easily as the positives.

They are however, just what they appear to be--a tool--if used well by the carpenter--it does a great job day in and day out--If it is not used well--well, you get the idea.

While there is freedom from persecution here in America--church buildings are useful--they are wasteful and many are somewhere in between.

They are an "expedient" nothing more--like using an automobile instead of a horse to drive somewhere to teach or preach the gospel.

Now, some positives of church buildings--because they exist today--folks meet there for a lot of things..Some folks limit the use of their buildings to Sundays and Wednesdays which is their choice but probably a better one would be to use it for things 24/7 with the goal of preaching and teaching the gospel and encouraging the saints.

Because we do have the buildings say, verses those who don't and complain and gripe about them--keep in mind that over the last 25 yrs folks in church buildings are responsible for millions of folks becoming Christians--and helping those christians build places to worship--

Overall, I would say those who have church buildings and use them correctly--are far ahead of those who don't use buildings and are not so far along.

Isn't it really a matter of perspective--what one wants for oneself first and foremost?

And, the color of the glasses they wear--It is a lot like being against orphan homes--but will not accept responsibility for taking in those kids and caring for them instead of biting and shouting at those who support orphan homes who do take care of said kiddos.

Richard Fentiman

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