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Date Posted: 14:32:36 04/26/02 Fri
Subject: Re: Baptism--Law or Grace or?
In reply to: Richard 's message, "Baptism--Law or Grace or?" on 07:23:38 04/17/02 Wed

As I understand it, baptism by full immersion came at the end of the admission procedure to enter the "Kingdom of God", a separate from "the world" communal society as mentioned in Acts 2:44-47 and Acts 4:32-37. Baptism gave God an opportunity to drown that applicant if God, who can read what that person actually intended and is like, found that after all that person was NOT a suitable person to be added to the membership of the Kingdom. Grace came into this as God permitted that person to become a member. But before there was baptism the applicant had to repent all sins, promise to do their best to sin no more, vow obedience to God, to keep all the laws, and perpetual individual poverty (that's why the members of the Kingdom were called "The Poor") similarly as happens still as entry requirements in the 21st century to religious orders or "utopian societies". Members of the Kingdom got FREE food, FREE shelter and FREE clothing in exchange for unpaid work as, more or less, slaves of God. All members were SAVED from the many hardships, problems and hostilities of "the world" with its dog-eat-dog activities.

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