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Date Posted: 15:30:35 05/22/02 Wed
Author: Richard Fentiman
Subject: Re: Thinking indirectly about Romans 8:2
In reply to: David 's message, "Re: Thinking indirectly about Romans 8:2" on 22:32:58 04/15/02 Mon

David, greetings in Christ from sunny Texas,

you said
Hmmm. I have heard from people that we are not under the old law any longer, but we are now under the law of Christ. Does anyone have a verse for this that states it in this way explicitly?

On the other hand, didn't Paul write that we are no longer under law, but under grace? For some reason, there are people that cannot accept that as it says, always have to add to it, modify it, explain it, etc. etc. etc. What they then give us is that we are under the "law of Christ." But isn't this a law of grace?

My response here is this--There is a lot of ongoing confusion in our world today about Grace and law. What I have discovered that everytime "law" is used one needs to know which "law" is being discussed.

I have recently had conversations with folks who do not believe that "grace" contains law of any kind...Think about where that takes you.

The "comparison" is being made by Paul to his Jewish audience--the law they divorced when they married Christ is often the law he has reference to. it is contrasted by "grace" which by its very nature...contains laws for men to hear to believe and to obey. I was reading I Peter the other day and I began to notice the number of times Peter references "obey" "obedience" in this letter.

Which is the why I used Romans 8:2--I believe that it helps show the contrasts..without taking "law" away from Grace or by imputing the old Mosiac Law in the first have of Romans 8:2 but in the second half..

You said

According to the passages you have cited here, doesn't it say clearly at the beginning of Rom8 that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus?

Answer--Yes, it does

you said
We are not under law any longer, because it was a curse for us. Jesus took away the curse.

My response--Ok--but knowing the how for us as Gentiles is important--because most of the time when Paul uses law--He uses it in reference to the Mosiac law--something a Gentile was never ever under.

Roma 8:2 (KJS) For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. think about what constitutes the law of sin and of death for the Gentiles--It has never been the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ..
That law only applies to those who marry Christ in baptism..

you said

Non Christian neighbor? They are lost without Christ are they not, since he is the source of all forgiveness?

My response, again we agree they are indeed lost..but by which law are the lost..Many of my brethren have been and are teaching that those who are lost are under this law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus..but once again this cannot be true..


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  • Re: Thinking indirectly about Romans 8:2 -- Doug, 20:06:35 05/22/02 Wed

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