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Date Posted: 09:22:22 06/12/02 Wed
Author: David
Subject: Re: The Holy Spirit
In reply to: Doug 's message, "Re: The Holy Spirit" on 15:40:58 06/11/02 Tue

Wow! My grandma was healed of cancer! Mommy, is it because we all prayed for her last night? The doctors can't explain where it went?

No, Billy, God does not work that way. I don't know why it is gone either. We prayed, but we really didn't expect God to do anything miraculous since he doesn't do that anymore. You only read about God's miracles in a book.

Then what happened Mommy?

I don't know. But I do know God didn't perform a miracle. He had nothing to do with this.


YOu don't have to attribute it to the Spirit in order for it to be blasphemy. This is actually worse. Instead of attributing the miracle to the Devil, now you are attributing it to NOTHING. Do you even deny a miracle has taken place when people pray and God answers in a way that is beyond the laws of nature?

Okay, I will give you the one about the intercession of the Spirit. But I noticed you breezed over the rest of the things that the Spirit does that is not physical, such as the strengthening in our inner selves. Yes, I HAVE been dealing with John 14-17 with the rhetorical questions I have asked that you have not dealt with (except this one).

I still would like to hear your response on my points about God being a respector of persons in a previous post.

What about the compassion of Christ? You are also silent about this as well. Are you making Jesus into your own image? You are a logical person who likes to make logical arguments and prove them. That is how you are portraying Jesus. He didn't heal people, according to you, because he felt compassion. The reason, according to you, is that he needed to "prove" himself.

Oh and by the way, the only reason you see this as ungracious is it goes against your position. When people are losing, that is when they make an excuse and give up.

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