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Date Posted: 15:40:58 06/11/02 Tue
Author: Doug
Subject: Re: The Holy Spirit
In reply to: David 's message, "Re: The Holy Spirit" on 10:10:01 06/11/02 Tue

Hi David,

Thanks for your response and questions. In Matthew 12:31ff, the Pharisees had attributed the works that Jesus performed, by the Spirit, to the work of the devil. They actually saw a miracle, knew it was a miracle, never denied it was a miracle, instead they simply blasphemed and attributed the work of the Spirit to the devil.

That is not what I am doing. I, nor you, have witnessed a miracle. Moreover I'm not attributing anything to anyone. I am simply saying that the miraculous age is past and was for only a season. The Godhead indeed worked miracles in the long ago, but no longer do. It's not that they can't, it's that they won't because they no longer operate like that. We have all that we need (2 Tim.3:16-17), and you have not commented on that. The Pharisees could explain it because they knew it was a miracle. They did not deny that a miracle had been done, however, they said it was done by the power of the devil. How does this relate me to me again?

As for context, you have not addressed John 14-17 yet and I'm still wating. Also, you are creating a straw man when you say that I only I speak of the apostles. I have repeatedly said, not only the apostles, but those Chrisitans of the first century who had the their hands laid upon them. See Acts 8. There you will find how the power of the Spirit was transmitted to other people, by or through the laying on of the paostles hand. Since there are no longer apostles living, then there is no one to transmit the powers of the Spirit.

As for the intercession of the Spirit - how is that related to the miraculous healing you claim exists today? I would appreciate you discussing this in a cordial way rather than making erroneous charges and accusations. I feel this discussion is about over since this seems the manner in which you will respond.


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