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Date Posted: 18:25:21 06/12/02 Wed
Author: Melissa Burke
Subject: Re: Electing New Elders
In reply to: Jay Dee 's message, "Re: Electing New Elders" on 09:47:06 06/10/02 Mon

Jay Dee,

Thank you so much for your comments. You have, of course, given me even more to think about. If you don't mind I'd like to share your thoughts with my husband. Unfortunately for him, I always have more time to research subjects that we want to learn more about. He's in the Marine Corps and has had a heavy schedule.

As far as what you said about making ourselves known to the elders and having an announcement made - this sounds like something we should do. Part of us is being stubborn, I guess. We went through their 4 step "member" class, the involvement etc.. you would think we would already be known as members. There was an annoucement made on Sunday regarding a new study booklet on membership that they're putting out and the push is on to place membership. After that announcement my husband said - "well I think it's time we have a chat with the preacher. They're confusing people about the issues of membership!" The announcement was rather confusing. Well, enough about that.

Your suggestion for a new members tea or something to that effect sounds wonderful. I'll file that away for future thought!

Also, thank you for directing me to the sermons about leadership on this web site. I've gotten through the first 2 and I'm really enjoying them. I'm learning so much and have shared the website with my husband.

Sometimes being a Christian can be so confusing!


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